Taking place on the evening of Wednesday 10 July at the Brighton Dome, the Develop:Star Awards 2024 recognised the very best games and talent within the industry with categories that enable studios of every size to shine.

nDreams, Aonic's VR game developer and publisher won the Develop:Star Award in the category of Talent Development as proof of the commitment of their Talent team and the success of their Academy Programme. nDreams is now comprised of 250 people across four development teams, with two fully-remote studios – Elevation and Orbital – joining the original nDreams Studio and the Brighton-based Near Light to cover the whole spectrum of VR gaming.

These awards take place during Develop:Brighton and are all about the game dev community celebrating the creative excellence of the game makers behind the best games of the previous 12 months.

To read more about it, visit: https://www.developconference.com/awards